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000643_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Wed Aug 30 07:27:19 1995.msg
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Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 10:06:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Blackout <blackout@igc.net>
To: Adrian Onsen <aonsen@sentex.net>
Cc: Lightwave Mailing <lightwave@mail.webcom.com>
Subject: Re: TBC VI problem...
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On Tue, 29 Aug 1995, Adrian Onsen wrote:
> Ok... I have gotten a TBC VI a while ago, to use with my PAR,and have
> been trying to get it working, and had no luck for a while....
> I then gave up, and tried again a few days ago....
> After a while of playing around, I had gotten it to work.... (not perfectly)
> MY only problem right now is that on the image that I get when the picture
> goes throught the PAR, is the colors are scrwed up...
> The skin of people is turned blue, and the sky is an orange color, the color
> yellow is now green, and so on.... Everything else is just great...
> Picture is nice and sharp... No other problems, but this...
> How can I fix this??!?!?
> Adrian Onsen
> aonsen@sentex.net
There should be some software that came along with your TBC IV. You need to
load it up and play with your pase controls. There is a slider bar that
will be able to fix your color problem.
Blackout <blackout@igc.net> sent this message.
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